Ovako izgleda dečja knjižara „Kid’s Republic Bookstore“ u Pekingu, koja sadrži preko 3.000 slikovnica na mnogim svetskim jezicima. Arhitekte su zamislile enterijer knjižare kao razigrani poligon za čitanje, preturanje i igru.
Verovatno nema deteta koje se ne bi raspametilo kad uđe u ovakav „hram“ knjige. Kada bi još i kod nas bilo ovakvih knjižara u kojima i roditelji i deca mogu da se opuste, da uživaju u ambijentu, da se igraju, udobno zavale i čitaju, verovatno ne bismo morali da brinemo zbog „krize čitanja“.
Ovo je prva knjižara u Kini specijalizovana za dečije slikovnice, a otvorena je 2005. godine u okviru projekta Beijing POPLAR Culture Project Co. (BPCPC), posvećenog promociji kulture kroz obrazovanje najmlađe populacije. Knjižara nudi slikovnice iz celog sveta, u cilju promocije multikulturalnosti i prilagođavanje dece na globalnu informacijsku eru.
Dizajn: SAKO Architects
This playful bookstore for children in Beijing, China has channeled the bold and bright colors of children’s picture books into its fanciful and kid-friendly design. Kid’s Republic Bookstore not only carries a wide range of books for young children, but it also provides a fun and comfortable place in which to read them. The rainbow colored design by SAKO Architects eschews a traditional bookstore layout in favor of a less organized, organic, and freeform space that encourages play and browsing at the same time.
The Kid’s Republic Bookstore, which opened in October of 2005, is the first bookstore in China to specialize in children’s picture books. The store was opened by the Beijing POPLAR Culture Project Co. (BPCPC), founded by the Japanese publisher of children’s books, Poplar Publishing Co. Poplar founded the BPCPC in order to promote cultural awareness amongst young children through picture books. The organization is keenly aware of the globalizing effect of the information era and seeks to foster a multicultural sensibility in young children through exposure to picture books from around the globe. The BPCPC decided that picture books could best accomplish this project based on their conclusion that other types of children’s books often lack “something that touches the heart naturally or some naive enthusiasm.”