Kreativnost nema granice – sedmaci iz OŠ „Ivo Lola Ribar“ Novi Sad pisali pesmice na engleskom jeziku

Naši drugari bili su jako kreativni, pa su učenici OŠ "Ivo Lola Ribar" iz Novog Sada pisali pesme na engleskom jeziku

Posebno su se potrudili naši drugari iz OŠ“Ivo Lola Ribar“ koji su nam poslali pesme napisane na temu čitanja i knjiga – ali na engleskom jeziku. Pokretač ove sjajne akcije bila je njihova nastavnica engleskog jezik, Đurđica Božović!
Ove pesme zaslužuju posebnu pažnju – pa ih objavljujemo jednu po jednu:

Books are pure magic.
They take us to the world of fairies, elves, soldiers, dragons
and a world full of magic that only appears in our childish and imaginative heads.
Books are power.
They give us the power of imagination, the power to think,
and not to forget the most important thing,
they give us powerful lessons and a task to never forget them.
Books are brilliance without light.
Their source of brilliance is not light,
but words that have been put together in such a way
as to give the greatest light to the whole world.
Books are poet’s trail.
Everything the poet wants to say is written in them.
It was written with one hand full of strength
and one brain full of imagination.
Books are the source of imagination of all people.
That’s why I say: “Read books”,
because then the doors of real imagination
opens for you.
Hana Đurđević, 7-4, OŠ“Ivo Lola Ribar“, Novi Sad

Reading is something I love to do,
come with me and you will love it too.
While I read I can imagine the story,
then you can see the old glory.
Look at the hero and the thief
and you will see a cloverleaf.
The written text in the old books lives a bit,
with the adventures that come with it.
When you open the book and while you read,
the thoughts in your head disappear.
All you can think of now is the adventure
that you find, not the ones left behind.
But the most important is to have fun
with all that has begun.
The moral of the story is there to be fair,
with everyone that wants to share.
Vera Jerinić VII-1, OŠ“Ivo Lola Ribar“, Novi Sad

There once was a clueless boy,
Who went by the name of Roy.
His problems were that he had no book,
So he was growing, simply, into a crook.
He simply though that books are dumb,
And that’s why his brain was numb.
His memory of words quickly fades,
So he had some really bad grades.
Rather than studying, in class he watched birds,
So in a group, he was short on words.
When he tried to speak, like his tongue was blocked,
And for that he was often mocked.
One day, Roy got bored,
So he decided to see the unexplored.
The only thing around was a book,
And finally, he decided to take a look.
The book amused him even more than a laptop,
And soon, he couldn’t stop.
Since then, reading filled Roy’s heart,
And brain, so now he is smart!
Kids, be like the new Roy, find your way,
And may a book always make your day!
Vuk Glišić, VII-4, OŠ“Ivo Lola Ribar“, Novi Sad

Some kids loved dolls, clowns, dragons and Lego,
in my room on the shelves
there were always tidily arranged picture books.
The first books were without letters
colorful, unreal fairy tales
with wizards and fairies,
but very often stained from food.
I flipped through a book and sometimes
tore it up, trying to stick a picture.
Picture books are packed away for some other kids,
Now it’s time for „The boys of Paul’s Street“.
Reading, fantasizing, learning ,
A book is always the best thing to hang out with.
It will give you answers on your questions
and keep the secrets deeply inside ,
It will remind you never to give up.
Radomir Milanović VI/3 OŠ“Ivo Lola Ribar“ Novi Sad

Wonderful worlds
The books create.
They constantly open
Another gate.
Their pages are
Roads endless.
Secrets we reveal there
Are countless.
Words knowledge carry
And show us the way.
Reading is always
Something to obey.
On every page
There are your adventure teams.
Often, you find yourself
On a cloud of dreams.
Therefore, you read
As long as you live,
Cause a book is there
The right answer to give.
So let the book
Be your friend.
It makes better people
In the end.
Relja Jovičić ,7-2, OŠ „Ivo Lola Ribar“, Novi Sad

Books are magical something
While I’m reading
There’s no sleeping, only dreaming.
In my book I meet Captain Hook,
I fly with Peter Pan
And enjoy my Neverland!
I find my Secret garden
And get a magic stick
To make this world fit!
I visit various places faraway,
Only by sitting
In my armchair.
Books are an important need
Every child should read
To become a better guy
To make life have a blue sky.
Ana Spasić VII 1, OŠ Ivo Lola Ribar, Novi Sad




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